11 Second Club

The 11 second club is a website that holds monthly competitions where they put up a random sound clip for people to animate to. My University used this as one of our assignments for the course. We had the choice of using one of two sound tracks to animate to as the assignment was set towards the end of the November 2013 competition. After listening to the November and December sound tracks I decided that I would use the November sound track for my project. Here is some of my early concept work I produced for this project.

We could use whatever medium we wanted to to animate in an so I decided to do mine in CG as it is what I enjoy and feel most comfortable with. We were told we could use any of the pre-made character rigs that the 11 second club allow. I decided to uses the Bonnie rig for the female character but wanted to try and create my own rig for the male character as it is something I havn't done before. Here is some pics showing the progression of my character.

Rigging the character proved to be a lot more complicated than I initially thought but I found a nice set of tutorials that guided me through each step of the process at the following link.

Here is my final animation for the project.

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